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circles.json (Required)

Key-value pairs (each row)


name : the name of the unit corresponding to the observation.

  • Acceptable: Any string.

time : the time period for the observation.

  • Acceptable: Any integer or string.

If the time period is a string, it will be sorted in alphabetical order. For example, if you provide a complete year/month/date string, it must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., 1998-01-01) to be sorted correctly.

x : the x coordinate of the unit at time.

  • Acceptable: Any number.

y : the y coordinate of the unit at time.

  • Acceptable: Any number.

x and y coordinates are rounded to 2 decimal places when data is loaded into the app to improve performance.


continuous_feature_1 : a continuous feature of the unit at time.

  • Acceptable: Any number (float or integer).

continuous_feature_c : a continuous feature of the unit at time.

  • Acceptable: Any number (float or integer).

discrete_feature_1 : a discrete feature of the unit at time.

  • Acceptable: Any string.

discrete_feature_d : a discrete feature of the unit at time.

  • Acceptable: Any string.

Further requirements and info

  • Each row must contain the full exact same set of keys, including at least one continuous feature (on top of the required name, time, x, and y keys).

  • Whether a feature is considered “continuous” or “discrete” is specified through metadata.json.
    • Features marked as “continuous” in metadata.json must be numerical.
    • Features marked as “discrete” in metadata.json will be treated as categorical, even if they are supplied in a numerical format.
      • Inconsistent types for “discrete” features has not been tested. It’s safest to have a single discrete feature be either all strings or all numericals across all rows.
  • Missing time periods for a unit is allowed. To indicate that a time period is missing, completely omit the row corresponding to that time period.
    • As indicated above, each included row must however contain the exact same set of keys. In particular, the app does not allow for “partially missing” time periods whereby a row features missing keys or keys otherwise marked as NA, NaN, null,….
  • The order of rows and key-value pairs within rows is irrelevant.

Prototype of valid format

{"name":"1ST SOURCE CORP","time":1998,"mkvalt":0.58,"sic_code":"60","x":6.4079211884,"y":13.0098593574,"cluster":8,"sic_code_label":"Depository Institutions","cluster_label":"Banking"},
{"name":"1ST SOURCE CORP","time":1999,"mkvalt":0.48,"sic_code":"60","x":6.4444474746,"y":13.0361878325,"cluster":8,"sic_code_label":"Depository Institutions","cluster_label":"Banking"},
{"name":"PIONEER NATURAL RESOURCES CO","time":2000,"mkvalt":1.94,"rank":288.0,"sic_code":"13","x":6.8169413341,"y":3.6371516382,"cluster":4,"sic_code_label":"Oil and Gas Extraction","cluster_label":"Oil, Energy and Utilities"},
{"time":1999, "name":"PIONEER NATURAL RESOURCES CO", "mkvalt":0.9,"rank":417.0,"sic_code":"13","x":6.8474968473,"y":3.6536847176,"cluster":4,"sic_code_label":"Oil and Gas Extraction","cluster_label":"Oil, Energy and Utilities"}

For a full example of the data format, see in this repository.

  • This is a reference template that should not be erased. You should copy it, rename it to circles.json, and experiment with editing the latter with your own data (you can always revert to the template if you break the data format and want a fresh start).