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Deploy online (Netlify)

Existing turnkey deployement synced with Github repository

  • The app has already been deployed to Netlify environments that are synced with the three main branches of the github repository.

To experiment with new data and metadata setting, please use your own branch with prefix uexp/ (feel free to create one by cloning the main branch). !! Do NOT use existing main or dev branches!!. If you’d like to contribute, please create a new branch with prefix dev/ and submit a pull request.

Redeploying the app from scratch on Netlify from Github repository

  • Clone the branch of you’d like to deploy to a separate Github repository of your own.
  • Create a Netlify account and link it to your Github account.
  • Create a new site on Netlify and link it to your cloned version of
  • In your Netlify Sites settings/Build setting:
    • Set the “Base directory:” to react.
    • Set the “Build command:” to CI=false npm run build.
    • Set the publish directory to react/build if that is not already the default.
  • In your Netlify site’s Sites settings/Environment variables, add
    • A variable with key NPM_FLAGS and value --legacy-peer-deps.